Our Sixth instalment of Small Business Feature is here! To continue celebrating creativity let us introduce you to Beth Wilson!
⭐ We love your work, but would love to know more about you. Tell us all there is to know about you and your business?
Doodlecats started ten years ago when I was coming to the end of my degree (in photography). I started drawing silly little cats and people liked them and it developed really quickly. I have three cats and my life revolves around them completely so being able to make art and a living from my obsession has been great. We now sell a big range of stuff, all with my silly cat drawings on them. My husband Daz now works for me as the business has expanded. Cats still outnumber humans as Doodlecats staff though, they’re definitely in charge.
⭐ What is a product you haven’t made yet but would love to sometime in the future?
Plush Doodlecats. Imagine how cute they’d be!
⭐ If you could have a lifetime supply of any Zap! Product, which would it be and why?
1 inch black charms. They’re so good for making pins and key rings. I get through hundreds every year.
⭐ What is the biggest curveball you have had to overcome since starting your business?
My health. I am chronically ill. I only have the energy to work a couple of hours in the mornings. I’ve had to employ my husband to do lots of the physical work like packing orders etc because I’m just not well enough to do it. I have to be very selective about what I chose to use my limited energy on.
⭐ What is your biggest motivation?
My cats! I just love cats and drawing so much, I don’t need much motivation because I enjoy what I do so much.
⭐ What is your current favourite Netflix/tv show and what’s your go-to snack for watching?
I feel as though I’ve watched everything on Netflix as I spend so much time ill in bed. I think if I had to choose a favourite, it would be Schitts Creek. I love Nature Valley Crunchy oat bars mmmm
⭐ What inspires your illustrations?
Cats :D (you can’t have expected anything different right?!)
⭐ What things are most important to you when running your business?
Keeping it fun; obviously there’s boring stuff but there has to be a good balance. Keeping it ethical; I want to use more and more recycled stuff, local suppliers etc
⭐ If you had one superpower what would it be?
I’d love to be able to change into a cat. I could prowl about or just lay in a sunbeam
⭐ What would you like to achieve this year?
This year I have been focusing on creating lots of different themes for my cats and that’s my main work this year. I want to get them on lots more new products.
⭐️ Where can we purchase your work?
You can find me on my website, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram