Printed Clear Acrylic Charms - Artwork Side A

Our printed clear acrylic charms are available with single sided and double sided printing options. Giving your charm designs a 'Side A' and a 'Side B'.

We print both sides of your charms in layers, one on top of the other, onto the back of the clear acrylic, so that 'Side B' is visible on the back of the acrylic, and when you flip your charms over, 'Side A' is visible by looking through the front of the acrylic.


Double Sided Clear Acrylic Charms


This means that all Artwork on 'Side A' needs to be flipped in your design software so that it appears the correct way around, once your charm has been printed. Here's an example...


Custom Printed Merchandise


Notice the writing is back to front. Now see what happens when the charm is turned over...



And here are some examples of the front of a clear acrylic charm, the back of a single sided clear acrylic charm and the back of a double sided clear acrylic charm.


Artist Alley Merchandise

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